In the small world of Columbia's trivia, me and a few of my friends are known as team "Substance P" (an extremely nerdy medical term, the details of which I will not bore you, but we like it anyway). We play trivia every Tuesday night at the Flying Saucer down in the Vista. The first time we all went to trivia night we tore it up and won first place (your choice of either $50 or 3 t-shirts that say "We Kicked Your Ass at Trivia Night"). We, of course, chose the t-shirts. I'm fairly certain that that is the sucker deal. Anyways, in the next couple of weeks we did not do as well, but did end up getting second place one week which gave us two more t-shirts. There are 6 of us in the group (4 are pictured), so one person still lacked a t-shirt (shout out to Melissa!). We really want everyone in the group to have one so we can be the complete losers who show up to trivia night in all six matching t-shirts. I'm sure that will make us some friends. In the next few weeks, we really sucked it up big time and did not even come close to placing. So, we made the decision to try our luck at a different trivia night. We decided on Wednesday night at Jillian's because the pot is much bigger ($100) and I feel certain there are way more stoopies at Jillian's than Flying Saucer based on my few times going there.

Well, I was right about there being way more stoopies there (our waitress was a prime example, I can't believe she can even remember to breathe) but there was another interesting group there. I failed to mention above that at the Flying Saucer we have a slight rivalry with the team "Swallow, or it's in your eyes." We have never seen them before because they are a real quiet, mysterious team but we had been losing in the previous weeks to them frequently. Let me mention here that Substance P is not a quiet, mysterious team as I act obnoxiously when we do well and make sure everyone else knows it. Last night, we were on fire. They announce who is in the lead after each round and we were always in first place. We went into the final round (think final round of Jeopardy) in first place with 68 points. The next closest team (whose name I can't remember) was right behind us at 67. Well, you can wager up to 15 points and you have to wager at least one point. For the final question you had to put a list of five 80s movies in order according to how much money they grossed, and it was all or nothing. So we, of course, only wagered 1 point. I'm sure you can see where this is going. We managed to guess the answers correctly and were immediately pissed we only wagered one point but waited anxiously to hear where we placed. We ended up getting second place to "Swallow, or it's in your eyes" who had come from way behind by answering the final question correctly and wagering 15 points on it. We couldn't believe it. And not only that we had lost to them, but that the whole time they were the four guys sitting at the table directly beside us that I had been gloating to all night. Oops. We tucked our tails between our legs and ran out of there leaving a grand 80 cents on $80 for our tard of a watiress. So I have decided that they must do a grand tour of all the trivia nights in Columbia. Publick House Monday, FS Tuesday, Jillian's Wednesday, Harper's Thursday. I think one week Substance P should do the tour to see if my theory is correct.
If you're interested, here is the final round question. Give me some guesses and I will post the answers later (sorry Ryan, you can't participate).
Put the following movies in descending order of how much money they grossed (no cheating):
1. Batman
2. Raiders of the Lost Ark
3. Return of the Jedi
4. Ghostbusters
5. ET
Ok, blog-fans...this is my last post before the big trip to Italy. We leave tomorrow and will be gone for about 12 days. I hadn't planned on blogging while I'm over there, but if I get really hard up I will check out a internet cafe and give you an update. I expect some quality comments while I am gone and you can expect one hell of a blog when I get back.