I’m homesick. Like....super homesick. I thought I was this open-minded, tough, cool, independent-type chick that would thrive in the big city. All this about me being a big timer stifled by small city living. What to the ev-er. I want to go home. And by “home,” I mean Columbia, South Carolina. Maybe it’s because I have no job. Which means I sit around all day worrying about when I will start working and then when I do start working, what is it going to be like. Or maybe its because I have no place to live. Which means I am stuck in this postage stamp of apartment surrounded by things that aren’t mine and wishing that I was back in my 1400 sq foot house with modern technologies and a showerhead that is high enough that I don’t have to take a shower on my knees. Or maybe, just maybe its because I have no friends. I miss friends. Friends are good. Speaking of having no friends....Yesterday I did something I have never done before. I went to the movie theater by myself. I have thought about doing it before but always chickened out. Once I even drove all the way to the theater and then turned right back around when I saw a line of like 20 people and became horrified at the thought of standing in line for 15 minutes by myself. Anywhoo, this time I made it all the way to the theater and actually got out of the car. I planned it so that I would get there after the previews had started so that I could inconspicuously slip in and sit at the end of a row. Well, somehow this ingenious plan totally backfired because by the time I got in theater, it was so incredibly packed that I had to crawl over 10 people in the dark to make it to the one seat still open for the loser that comes to the movies by themselves. I don’t even know what happened in the first 20 minutes of the movie because I couldn’t stop thinking about what a big loser the people around must have thought I was. Then I spent the rest of the movie being depressed because I chose to see the most depressing movie ever created. Note to blog-fans: Do not ever attempt to see “Atonement” on your first solo outing. Ugh. Anyways, after the movie was over I basically knocked over an old lady in order to get out there as fast as possible so I wouldn’t be recognized as the girl with no friends.
Well, whatever the reason, the fact still remains. I’m homesick. On a better note....as you all know I have no TV right now so I have been single-handedly keeping the “TV on DVD” section of Blockbuster out of stock. I recently became addicted to a fabulous new TV show – WEEDS!! It’s great – check it out (unless you live in Dallas because if you do, then your local Blockbuster is fresh out. But then again, if you do, why the hell aren’t you hanging out with me instead of trying to watch Weeds?!?!).
I’ve attached a picture reminding me of a great time in my life when I did have friends. I’m lonely. Send me some love.
Ah yes, I too have succumbed to the solo movie theater adventure... back when I had first moved to the wonderfully bleak suburb of Schaumburg, and I was desperate to see the third Lord of the Rings movie... I bit the bullet. I lived. Btw, my new TV show addiction this season is Nip/Tuck. I had seen not one episode in its four year existence and now, Boom! I'm hooked. So I'm sure at some point I will loot Blockbuster as well for N/T seasons 1-4.
If you are still jobless the weekend of Feb. 9, you should come stay with me in Vancouver! (Which is essentially my second home until March)
I'm so sorry that you're homesick. I'm sure it'll get better once Texas gets off its ass and clears your license so you can get your mind off of things. Mind you, I've never lived beyond 20 miles of Clemson in my life. Anywho, as long as you're not talking in a British accent, club hopping commando with Paris Hilton, or shacking up with an ugly married paparazzo, then I think the call to Dr. Phil will be unnecessary.
And yes, "Atonement" is definitely a movie best illegally downloaded and watched at home so you can cry yourself to sleep. Every time I thought of that movie for days I wanted to bawl my eyes out. As a pick my up I would suggest "Juno". That movie was hilarious!
P.S. Give me your address and I can mail you my People magazines when I'm done with them. I know they would be greatly loved.
Oh, boo dude! Well, I gave up on your blog after that long period of silence....however, I ran into that Rabin doc here and he knew more about you than I did...told me about you not having your license yet...so I'm convinced that he is a secret blog lover. Therefore, I decided to check it out and yippeeee! TWO whole new blogs! I am so sorry that you are homesick...hey it could be worse...at lease you have the next few years worked out and you're not still WAITING around to go move and be miserable....hope it gets better though...you are very missed!
J. McCullough! We miss you at work. I thought about you when a patient the other day was telling a ER rotator that she "got in a alta-cation" and described herself several times as being "skressed. real skressed." Got the scoop. She beat up the baby daddy. Anyway, definately miss your wit (and other things that rhyme with wit) around these here parts.
I love you! I even called you back last night. I miss you tons, and I know the no-friend thing. I was thinking about that last night. BUT, at least be thankful that you do have friends who will eventually come visit you, that you can talk to, and that love you and miss you bunches and bunches. My mom has customers in Dallas that she has been talking about meeting for a few years now, and she said that she will now definitely have to go and bring me (which means that my plane ticket will be paid for by work). The only thing is finding a time, because flights for my family currently consist of ones to San Francisco to see the pregnant one.
So Weeds, huh? I'll add this to Lost, Nip/Tuck, and The Wire as shows I want to start watching since there is no new television on anymore.
Susan J, are you in the U.S. or Canada right now (so I know if I can call you back)? You called during the football games on Sunday (okay, actually I was at the mall and didn't hear my phone :-)
I'm guessing from how curly my hair is that this picture is from Julie's rehearsal dinner. Am I close?
I've written enough of a novel for now. Love you. Call me anytime you need to, you know that. And I promise I'll call you back sooner this time.
I love how Jessie's blog is now a message board for all of us. Anyway, yes Mel, I am in Canada right now. Next week I will be back in Chicago so we can talk then. And I think the picture is from Willy's rehearsal dinner... which I was not present for but I remember seeing Jessie's pictures.
Hang in there Jessie! We all love you.
what is missed about me that rhymes with wit?? twit? smit? bit?
Oh sweet friend, how I feel your pain! As you know (now that we have succumb to "not being phone people" and talk daily), there are still days I ask myself what the hell I am doing here. However, as you have had to remind me on occasion, if you were in Columbia you would be praying to get out of there. Who knew Columbia was so easy to admire from afar? Not us! Anyway, it will get better. You will work again. You will make great friends. And just think, you will never dread having to go to the same old places over and over again! It sounds like with the Dallas restaurants alone, you're in good shape! Plus all of your awesome friends can't wait to visit! :) Speaking of, hello Clemson ladies!!! (and faithful reader Blair!)
Miss you lots and hoping to hear of a cowboy lover in the near future.
Continuing with the message board theme...
I got my hair cut at the curly hair place the week before Julie's wedding, which is why I think it's that rehearsal. I wore the same thing to both, so I can't tell by clothing, just by hair. And my curls just look so non-frizzy, which didn't happen until the miracle workers at Devachan took over my hair. Call me next week so we can catch up. I'm still having good days and bad days. Ugh.
Hi Jodie! I owe you an email. I know your birthday is on the 29th (right?), so I'll try and email you before that and not combine both in a phone call. Because you're more special than that :-) I would love to see you soon.
And hi Blair and everyone else reading.
Jess, I miss you tons. I need a day of vegging out on my futon/couch/bed, staying in pajamas, watching VH1 and E!, reading UsWeekly, and just gossiping with you :-)
OK, as if this really matters, but if the pic was at Julie's wedding weekend it was not the rehearsal dinner. Suses was wearing a purple dress for that. Maybe it was when you guys hung out at the hotel pool after the dinner... I wasn't there for that either.
Nope, Sus wore the purple dress to the wedding. I only know this because she and I both wore what we wore to Stacey's wedding the year before.
It may have been at the pool, but I was not there very long. I got in an uber-bitchy mood there.
I luuuurrrrve you :-) And I miss you. Hope you are enjoying Vancouver...Pammy was in Seattle for the past few days.
Hi everyone! I was so excited to pull up the blog and find some shout-outs to me this morning! I'm not following all of these nicknames....has Jessie even been talking on this thing? Anyway, hope things are getting better....been thinking about you! If it makes you feel better, I wanted Hibachi Japanese the other night and could find no friend to go....and I still live here!
ok guys, here to save the day and end the debate over the picture. it was taken at the random ass Marriott bar after Julie's rehearsal dinner. Congrats to the illustrious susanj (who wasn't even there for the weekend).
BLAIR-this is jessie
I was SO there for Julie's wedding weekend... I just didn't hang at the pool with you guys!
Okay, you've made it through your first day-we're all ready for the Dallas OB scoop! So, make the time busy blogger!!!
Ok - first, stop your whining. If we shipped your pasty white ass back to Columbia, you'd be bitchin' up a storm within 2 days. Second, now that you have your license, you'll be meeting people left and right. Third, seriously, how do you not meet people when you are climbing over them (and potentially groping or being groped) in a movie theater?
Next - mad props to Anna (don't know who that is) - but come on "alta-cation", "Skressed" and "baby daddy" all in one comment - That's scraight up awesome! We don't hear much of that in Denver!
Finally, Blair - two things - your comments are so cute - I can literally hear your accent when you wrote "I'm not following all of these nicknames....has Jessie even been talking on this thing? " - BTW, this is Jay. Second, I loved "Hibachi Japanese" - has someone else started doing Hibachi? Can't imagine Hibachi Mexican for example:)
I'm caught up on my comments Jess - I need more blog entries (or Cow Bell).
Jessie, I am going to have to aggree with Jay on this one (even though he made fun of my Hibachi Japanese...what up wit dat?....but totally redeemed himself by calling me cute-- so he has been taken off of my hit list)...we are going to need some blogging about your first day....if I don't see anything on here, I'm gonna have to go ahead and call you even though I know that I will totally get screened and never get called back unless I leave some really mysterious message on there like....someone's preggers, guess who? so you'll call me back immediately and I'll say, "Jamie Lynne Spears..haha..tricked you now you have to talk to me!!" I am pathetic....
Pathetic, but that's not a bad idea, Blair. I might have to remember that one.
Add me to the chorus of people who want to hear about your first days! Am I just going to have to wait until I hopefully see Jodie this weekend?
Hey little sis. By now you are working & not so homesick, I'm sure. So sorry I haven't been able to catch up live with you. I'm in the Atl for a meeting - 1st time away from the LM. So, I am also quite homesick, but I go home tomorrow. it has been 1 crazy week & do I have some stories to share! JUST DAMN!
Well, I am also anxious to hear how it's going. Know that I love & miss you & think about & pray for your all the time!!!!
Love you!!!!
Oh...Hey to all of the ladies that Jessie is missing. Y'all are awesome!!!! As her big sis, I can't tell you how awesome it makes me feel to know that my baby sis has such great friends in her life.
Jess - when you start to feel lonely & missing all those guys, just think about how blessd you are to have them in your life to miss! : )
Hugs & kisses from afar....
OK, so I know you are a busy working woman now, but CALL ME!
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