Hey guys! Time for a quick update.
So I have been orienting my ass off for 8 hours a day since last Friday. I dont start actual work until this coming Monday. Last Friday, Monday, and Tuesday were my OB/GYN orientation days and Wed, Thursday, and Friday are my hospital orientation days. The hospital orientation days are extra-painful for me since I went to school here and am already VERY acquainted with Palmetto Richland hospital. Anyways, during my OB/GYN orientation we got our rotation schedule for the next 12 months. We have 10 months on-service (OB, GYN, Night Float, or Ultrasound) and 2 months off-service (Family Practice). I had specifically requested months ago to start on-service because I wanted to jump right in and not feel left out. So what did I get assigned to first? Why, Family Practice, of course. That OK though because our family practice months are pretty chill. We are just assigned to work in the outpatient clinic everyday and take OB call every other weekend. So, I found out that because I am the resident on FP, I am also in charge of castrating (circumsizing) all the newborn boys in the hospital. I almost had a panic attack when I got this news. I got no problem operating on an old lady for 6 hours, but the thought of accidentally castrating a newborn is terrifying to me. The picture you see above is the torture device we use for removing the excess skinnage on the babies, called the gomco. I was so nervous when I found I had to start off doing this that I had one of the attendings take me over to the newborn nursery so I could practice a few rounds. Well, after the bleeding and screaming finally stopped, I noticed that I had actually created a very nice looking penis for Baby Boy X. I think he will make some lucky woman very happy one day. However, even after my success I am still extremely shaky about the whole thing, so a little word to the wise. If you are reading this blog and about to pop out a baby, you might want to avoid Palmetto Richland for about a month or so. That is, if you want to be guaranteed that your little boy will be able to have children someday. Just damn.
Holy hell. That's a pretty crazy first assignment. You're going to be so much fun at dinner parties for the next couple of months. I can only imagine the inappropriate comments you'll come up with.
Jeez - I just feel bad for the next guy you date! Ya Stoopie Pee Pee Chopper!
i believe thats "geez" to you mister...and long time no see on the blog. i mean, do you think just because youre about to have a baby you dont have a responsibility to the blog? GEEZ.
Yeah - no excuses from me - I've been lax on my comments. Especially since I feel that I've started my own cult following of your blog fans who wait for my commentary on your blog!
Last week was a bit busy for blog commenting though - teaching all day and then sitting through child birth classes in the evening. 12-14 hour days - I felt like... perhaps on OB resident! But long days only lasted a week;)
Blog ya soon!
All I gots to say is thank God we're delivering in Colorado!!!; )
So are you doing FP for 2 straight months & then 10 straight months of OB? Mom said that you get July 4th off since you're at the clinic though - score!
Anywho...keep up the foreskin cutting! Not many people can use this as a resume builder! : )
Love ya
One additional comment...I am hoping it is a foreskin free Columbia & not a penis free Columbia. If you are making it penis free, you may need to go back for a little extra practice!!! : )
Love you!
well, all the nurses around here said not to worry because a penis free columbia probably wouldnt be half bad!
Oi, achei teu blog pelo google tá bem interessante gostei desse post. Quando der dá uma passada pelo meu blog, é sobre camisetas personalizadas, mostra passo a passo como criar uma camiseta personalizada bem maneira. Até mais.
rodrigo, no hablo espanol...however,
after checking out your site i am not sure if you are selling tshirts or computers, but whichever it may be, i am officially deeming you blog spam. i have to say, all comments are welcome, but boo for blog spam.
i meant to call myself blognazi, not lognazi. make of it what you will...and just damn.
Ahem. I checked your blog yesterday for the first time in awhile, and it said you were going to update. I came back, that's gone, and it goes back to this message. What gives? :-)
ugh...something is wrong with my blogger account. it's driving me nuts. i posted that message yesterday but it would not show up on my computer (even though it did on yours apparently) and it would not allow comments. i cant directly comment on the blog either now without going through this assbackwards way of doing it. grrrrr blogger.
Since that stressful morning you must have gained lots of experience and confidence circumcising baby boys. In "First Blood" (1982) Rambo was said to have been taught to "ignore pain." Someone is going to have it when you skin them with a Gomco but you are best to somewhat ignore it. Good luck with all the little boys they are blessed to have a woman's touch. Yes, remove their foreskins. Ignore their complaints.
Federal law prohibits "circumcision" of females. That, with the fact of many female MD's who circumcise males, indicates a female dominated society. Reminds me of Barbara Anthony ("Venus On Top") in her video interview saying she and her husband never argue because she makes all the decisions. Just imagine if she were also a foreskin remover! And I do agree it is a symbolic castration. SNIP--SNIP!!!
This site has delightful color photo of two female interns with very happy faces readying to circumcise an obviously unhappy male. Clayton Williams once ran for Governor of Texas. He said (of bad weather) "it's like rape, if it's inevitable, relax and enjoy it!" Do you keep a tally of circumcisions you perform?
I think I just threw up a little reading this blog...I'm sad about it too.
That's the worst thing I've read today. Hopefully, we'll catch up with the rest of the civilized world and this practice will end here too. As an aside (since it seems to be related) a Fulton County, Georgia Jury Returns $2.3 Million Verdict for Botched Circumcision.
I am sure whatever the reasons were for this surgery, they were worth it.
There are many medical personnel who practice conscientious objection to the American form of genital mutilation on baby boys...
Something you should really consider.
You are taking away someone's inherent right to a whole body, to genital integrity, just to satisfy some uninformed parent who wants to sculpt their child's penis. Honestly, how barbaric and sick.
Amputating a healthy and functional body part with no medical indication, just for aesthetics is, by definition, mutilation. You cannot possibly be that kind of monster, can you? The first tenet of medical practice should persevere, the Hippocratic Oath: "Primum non nocere" - "First, do no harm". Maybe it should be back to the textbooks a bit longer? Please reconsider your agreeable stance to arbitrarily cut on healthy newborns most sensitive tissue. Their are men suing the medical staff/doctors now for what they did to them as neonates.
may you, jessie, find yourself someday tied to a circumstraint before an inexperienced male circumciser of females. how evil and rude. i see they don't bother with ethics in med school these days. how sad. how very sad.
This blog makes me SICK!... it's #*@(! child abuse and it's insane that this still goes on. I'd like to strap you down and return the favor. Absolute insanity.
Shameful that so many ungrateful males are disrespectful of circumcision. The medical model of sexual cleanliness & health is a fully circumcised penis. Restoration devices offered on E Bay should be criminalized or by prescription only after psychiatric assessment. The best people in society are those who circumcise the males. Foreskins belong in biomedical use NOT on the tip of penises!
The January 28 comment is juicy! I think it's wonderful that males are circumcised and they should all be trimmed at birth. A pencil is ready to use after it's been in a pencil sharpener! The UN and the CDC are pushing circumcision of males on a mandatory basis. It's time we circumcise every male everywhere and do a good job of foreskin cutting. The foreskin, condemned by God in Genesis 17, gives germs a place to hide and it does look SO ugly. Give them injections for pain the day before so they can feel it both ways. PROTECT every female and CIRCUMCISE every male!! Big fines for males who criticize circumcision!! Just now I'm applying an advanced cosmetic to my left cheek! I read about a medical intern who was "going to be doing them and teaching them and SHE wanted to master it!" Ha ha on the circumcised humiliated males!! Now they'll be cleaner and aesthetically acceptable!!
I want to date some of those nurses who want a foreskin free Columbia!! I've heard mostly positive sentiments from women, most all want males circumcised and we should happily accept it! Maybe they'd feel I need a few more skin cells trimmed off...
David Wilton should be fined for defaming a fine MD and he should be asked---is there a threat in what he said? There USED to be a site called circumvent.org harassing MD's who circumcise males. I contacted the MD's it was attacking & suggested they have attorney send note "asking" site be closed down. In any event, it WAS closed down. All circumcisers should be protected by full legal immunity from civil suits. I hope they shuck every ear of corn and peel every banana and get well paid for doing this public health service. I think it was Cara Grimes MD that described the "carrot and glove method" of circumcision and mohelet Marjorie Cramer who said she was "hooked" on it (doing male circumcisions!)
When I was 11 I found out I had been circumcised. Till then I thought I was born the way I was. I found a thin scar just behind the head of the penis looking at it next to a lamp. That's where my foreskin was amputated. My body, someone else's decision---great!! In junior high locker room all the boys except one were circumcised. I thought he should also be circumcised, just slice the offending skin OFF. Later I learned that before cutting off the surplus skin, the doctor (hopefully always a female) first has to rip the skin from the head of the penis, tearing it from the underlying tissue by destroying the "synechia," a membrane. OUCH that had to HURT. But I and every male had/has it coming. Then the doc created a crush line in my skin, then slit through it with scissors before crushing the skin with the Gomco clamp. Finally it gets sliced off with a scalpel. The clamp is removed causing more screams. Urine salts burn in the slowly healing wound for maybe a week causing more discomfort. I like the You Tube video showing doc jamming probe into foreskin opening and tearing it from the head, listen to the kid screech! Then he snipped the foreskin off with scissors as kid did more screeching (Plastibell method of foreskin extermination.) Congress passed bill criminalizing alterations of females (correct move) but refuses to do same for males (also correct move!) Operator of this circumcision ("castration" symbolic) should feel very good as to her humanitarian work. Watch male humans walk past in store aisles, realize females can trim males but males cannot trim females ERGO female rule in society! The Egyptians originally marked slaves by circumcising their penises (hint or clue!) We ARE under female rule and I LOVE it!!! Medically, male circumcision has many benefits, according to Kathryn Karlsrud, MD.
International Council of Nurses based in Switzerland backs circumcision of EVERY penis, everywhere, forever and for all time. Every male should have a date with the scalpel scissors and clamp just like logs going through a sawmill. Use the circumcised tissue for facial cream for ladies.
Circumcision of males (NOT females) to be funded overseas by U.S. taxpayers! Meaning, anti-circumcision dummies will be paying for penises getting circumcised overseas. Yes, KEEP UP THE FORESKIN CUTTING!!!
World Health Organization says circumcising the penis protects against AIDS, cancer, cervical cancer and 2 other problems. What they didn't add is that it looks better and women prefer that males be surgically trimmed back. There is no right on the part of any male to be able to make a decision to keep his penis "natural" surgically modified is much better!
National Institutes of Health says circumcising male babies lessens incidence of AIDS transmission. I have NO regrets for ordering my baby boy's foreskin cut off! I am also happy to use the specialized anti-wrinkle facial preparation made from tissue from circumcised males. Genital surgery should be compulsory for EVERY male from prisoners up to and including the President! Read Genesis 17!
As a woman I'm offended by the movement to stop circumcising male infants. If anything ever needed to be attacked and killed, it's the male foreskin. It's degrading to think of women being penetrated by something so dirty. The foreskin gives germs a place to hide. Trim it off, voila! Cleanliness, which is after all, next to godliness (no wonder God, who is a SHE, ordered all males circumcised!) My daughter intends to become an OBGYN and circumcising males is her main reason for it! She did expert job trimming the Thanksgiving turkey with electric meat slicing knife! And cuts an apple very neatly into quarters! Victoria will make who knows how many males shriek and scream as she surgically blesses them with righteousness! When finished she'll wipe the blood from their circumcised genitals! This isn't sarcasm, I mean every word of it and sleep very well at night, thank you!
Patricia Wexler MD (sounds Jewish) was on Oprah show for skin restoration cosmetics containing cells harvested from foreskins of males submitted to circumcision and has her own business vending these surgically contributed cells http://www.bathandbodyworks.com/category/index.jsp?categoryId=2137961&cp=2073258&cm_mmc=Google-_-Patricia%20Wexler%20M.D.%20Broad_Anti-Aging-_-broad-_-patricia%20wexler%20serum Yes, the male loses in the transaction to which he has no choice and the female gains from his involuntary participation. Do I consider that moral and ethical? Absolutely---and humorous too. All circumcision nurses laugh at the trimmed males of society!
South African government announces plans to circumcise two million males. Ugandan government outlaws mutilation of females. GOOD let males get their foreskins cut off PROTECT females. females have right to keep all body parts males DON'T. CIRCUMCISE ALL PENISES!!!
http://strivetoenter.com/wim/2008/03/10/circumcision-the-woman-and-the-kinsman-redeemer/ This is explanation why circumcision of all males was a restriction binding on males before God would accept them, whereas, females were granted unrestricted access. Foreskins need to be cut off penises worse than malaria mosquitoes need exterminating. Many circumcised males need more skin removed IMO.
Sociologically, male circumcision indicates a female dominated society. The female parent can order a sexual surgery on the male offspring, but the male parent cannot order a sexual surgery on the female offspring! This may leave the wife feeling cheated--unless he's not circumcised, she should be able to compel him to be circumcised, by a female operator; if he is circumcised, what's left? Order him to have a tattoo saying "circumcised male?" A better alternative would be---she should be able to order his earlobes sliced off ("circumcised") this is nonessential tissue also. It would be nice to start seeing males missing their earlobes, and only female operators would be authorized to do "ear circumcisions!"
This account doesn't mention it, but foreskins that have been cut from penises are sold to cosmetic and biomedical use/research. For example, burn victims benefit. Circumcised foreskins are used in advanced skin care preparations and the (involuntarily donated) prepuces are effective for wrinkle reversal. "Save The Foreskins" signs in maternity wards are NOT admonitions to not cut foreskins from penises; rather, they are reminder that the circumcised tissue is to be sold at profit for cellular research and advanced health applications. To say the original owner of those skin cells had any right, any right whatsoever---to retain it, is preposterous. Bring on the mandatory, compulsory, universal male circumcision statutes!
Dr. Susan Blank, New York City, chairs the American Academy of Pediatrics task force for 2010 which is reviewing the AAP stance on infant male circumcision. She states the evidence favoring foreskin removal is "very compelling." The panel is mostly men but features several female MD's who have their own experience at trimming male neonates. Contact Dr. Susan c/o the AAP to voice support for the nicest form of assassination---male circumcision, which of course, kills the foreskin. And good riddance! You don't put such a dirty, sinful, unaesthetic thing inside me!
shows laser circumcision of infant male. The concentrated light literally burns through his foreskin and as it does so, tiny bleeding capillaries are sealed. The result is a thoroughly skinned back look. I believe this method still leaves the circumcised foreskin usable for tissue sciences and cosmetics, otherwise other method would be used. When I was circumcised the foreskin was tossed in the trash bound for hospital incinerator (I LOVE it) but today the lady who cuts off the foreskin gets to $sell$ them, or her hospital does.
A penile ring block is VERY painful but dulls circumcision agony to an extent. So, give males a ring block 12 hours after birth; another ring block injections next 12 hours; 12 hours later, circumcise them without anesthesia, use probe carrying mild electric current to rip foreskin from penis; use solid silver gomco, send mild pulsing current into dome as skin is crushed; remove; pop repeatedly with stinging, small gauge rubber band; spray with saline water; pop and spray raw head every hour on the hour till sexist woman hater goes home! Another full ring block before leaving! Pain creates a disciplined male mind and reminds them of their everlasting status as subordinates every time he pees he's reminded this country forces surgical genital alteration on males and protects the dominant female sex!
My mother's doctor was a male. He did expert job of assassinating my foreskin. Nice fine scar behind corona, tightly skinned back. Most likely a Gomco circumcision. Wish I'd been circumcised by female hands instead (more appealing!) Any son I have WILL be circumcised by a female MD, photo album to be created for his future wife to remind him of his trimmed status!
http://www.consultantlive.com/office-procedures/content/article/10162/1601590 shows very nice images of baby boy's penis being submitted to a Gomco clamp circumcision this of course would be better had a female physician imposed the surgery on the unconsenting recipient. 1 of the steps in skinning the penis shows serrated forceps being inserted to CRUSH a line in the child's foreskin preparatory to slitting it with scissors so the dome of the clamp can be applied, and the skin drawn up as the clamp crushes the foreskin all the way around the head of the penis. The doctor doing the foreskin amputation admits male circumcision to be " a milder form of castration." Here's to a foreskin free Columbia AND a foreskin free world---FOREVER!! It's so appropriate the USA criminalized genital cutting of females but refuses to do the same for males! God in Genesis 17 ordered all males to be circumcised world without end amen.
Special class in high school should be reserved for all female seniors in which they view videos of male circumcisions so that they understand the power society gives them as women to order part of a male's body cut off. Toy maker needs to offer baby size dolls having fake penis which girls can circumcise with sharp scissors. Penis oozes red dye and doll screams as she cuts the "foreskin" off. Nice to take on 1st date with guy so he can understand her demands on him that he be circumcised or report to female MD to submit himself to circumcision while she watches and jokes about it. Let her take his circumcised foreskin and use as fishing bait while he watches it place on fish hook and nibbled at.
Considering all the agitation on the part of anti-circumcision zealots, more Congressional legislation is needed! Congress did criminalize female mutilation but very appropriately refuses to introduce the "male genital mutilation bill" so why not introduce a mandatory male circumcision bill and another bill conferring 100% total legal immunity status from all civil law suits for those who perform male circumcisions. The consequences of residing in a country where males are not circumcised are a slap in the face to all civilized ethics.
Sorry for my bad english. Thank you so much for your good post. Your post helped me in my college assignment, If you can provide me more details please email me.
This site shows female nurse in Philippines circumcising a young boy's penis, she spilled more blood than typical USA circumcision but it's OK I LOVE her facial expression as she has just EXTERMINATED another male's FORESKIN!
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Homeopathy site appears to not mention circumcision of the penis. I suspect that group would disfavor cutting foreskins off penises. Therefore, I would take ten steps back from them! Every male should be submitted to radical circumcision and the more pain and humiliation it causes him, the better. The foreskin of my penis was A-M-P-U-T-A-T-E-D at birth and I'm very happy about it! Only wish a female MD had imposed it on me!
Update? This blog is over three and a half years old and needs "refreshing." How many circumcisions since then? Proficient in all techniques for lopping it off I presume. You Tube presentation? Or just show a banana being peeled (or a carrot stick being trimmed!) Pleasure trip to Philippines in store? Trim, cut, crush, lyse, slice, slice, slice!
It's well known that Oprah Winfrey and Barbara Walters both endorse cosmetic application anti-wrinkle use of circumcised baby boys foreskins harvested in hospitals from (yes) "nonconsenting donors." When I was circumcised my foreskin was crushed and sliced off as I shrieked and howled then voila! Lovely cosmetic result, foreskin tossed into trash where it belonged and sent to hospital incinerator and burnt up; had I been circumcised more recently, my amputated skin would likely end up on some affluent lady's face. SHE HAS THOUSANDS OF TIMES MORE RIGHTS TO IT THAN ME! I want to marry a circumciser and be her personal slave! Nothing wrong with any of this--circumcision is healthy and wholesome; men have been in charge too long, look where we are due to it, let women take control. And may every penis be clipped, snipped, trimmed and absolutely humiliated by female hands!
http://www.biblebb.com/files/mac/50-27.htm Male minister says the foreskin of the penis represents sin and needs to be cut off; says it's a disgrace to have any male in society whose penis hasn't been submitted to full radical circumcision.
Have a look at how horrible a foreskin looks. Cosmetic appearance alone is very powerful reason for stripping off this sinful skin--
I say, circumcise all males everywhere for all time and all eternity on a compulsory basis!
http://mostmerciful.com/?p=76 Islamic person makes interesting case that foreskin removal for males was NOT set aside by the New Testament. That, if correct as I suspect, means that people who remove foreskins from penises, are literally doing God's work in this world! And deserve our support! Give all circumcisers legal immunity from lawsuits!
Dr. Renee M. Stein (Jewish!!) says of infant males, their penises and their (soon to be cut off) foreskins---"WE WHACK 'EM ALL!" I think it's hilarious that a Jewish female can cut the foreskin off a gentile male's penis, without his consent, watch him writhe, howl and shriek, and get paid for doing it. God Himself sentenced the male's foreskin to DEATH (Genesis 17!) so KILL FORESKINS!
Janice, many women agree!
Have a look at this male's foreskin instinct should scream to anyone---it should be cut off! It's hopelessly sinful!
Commentary argues against allowing males to retain "their" sinful, criminal foreskins. Blessings upon all who surgically attack the male's foreskin!
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The link describes a woman who very casually left her infant son with a pediatrician while she went out to lunch. The pediatrician, a woman, was OK'd to cut off the son's foreskin from his penis. All's right with the world when a helpless male is getting his dick skinned alive without pain relief by caring female hands. I do hope she videotaped the genital humiliation of the male for the viewing pleasure of the woman's club, would also make GREAT material for a Sunday school class study of Genesis 17 where God commanded that male's foreskins were all sentenced to be circumcised and destroyed.
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There are several female mohels in service and they love doing the Briss. I feel like women are better suited for this procedure. They are much more concerned with discomfort of the boy and they connect with the parents better. Any parent who decides to circumcise should contact a Mohelet for her services.
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Well---any time school boys need their pencils sharpened---they should be required to hand their pencils to a girl who will then "circumcise" their pencils in the sharpener, while laughing at the sexual humiliation status of the males, who must be marked like cattle. I say---circumcise them ALL.
Mothers impose penis skinning (circumcision on their sons). Wives should have something to impose on their husbands---like ear lobe removal as part of the wedding ceremony. She could crush or slice his earlobes off, or have it done to him by a female who does these on a customary basis, he should have to pay for it also. Then afterwards he has to slowly walk past all the females present with his head bowed, and turn both cheeks to every one of them as they all take turns slapping his face just as hard as they possibly can while yelling at him "CIRCUMCISED MALE!! CIRCUMCISED MALE!!"
The skin isn't "excess" it is a normal, functional part of the penis. Removing it denies the child's right to autonomy.
But the approach I would prefer is this: inform the young women. Help them understand, pervasively, what is at stake. Because we choose who we marry. And we don't have to marry or be intimate with uncircumsized men. Some won't care, but many will when they understand the ramifications.
And then the men can decide which is more valuable. And the mothers can watch while their adult sons struggle with what would have been much much much simpler as infants. But they can all be content that they waited and let the 'adults' decide. Sometimes people getting what they think they want is really the best thing.
After reading this post, as a male I am disgusted. You actually use the word castration? Are you joking? I see no humor in this very unprofessional glamorization of male penis mutilation. If I were your bosses, and I read this, the only thing you would be cutting is paper at the receptionists desk. Let the males decide when they are older, than to let some sassy female invent a post like this demoralizing males and boasting about the procedure. Oh by the way, I have a daughter who works as a Nurse, in a MAJOR Hospital in the USA. I educated her in the real truth about male circumcision, after being brain-washed in medical school. At first, she resisted, and got mad. Then realized after doing a LOT of peer reviewed study that her father was right.
There's reluctance to admit it, but a major reason for male circumcision is---female domination over men. We mark men's bodies as slaves like the Egyptians did to the Hebrews thousands of years ago. And that I say is a GREAT thing to mark men on an involuntary basis. Uncircumcised males are an offense to society. Cutting their foreskins off is the remedy. Only females should be authorized to impose circumcision on suffering, humiliated penises! And let's start branding every male on both sides of his sexually submitted rump with the letters "CCC" for each "C" in the word CirCumCised!
Genesis 17 is the ONLY biblical commandment that is EXPLICITLY forever. Christianity is likely to be wrong. Hell is eternal.
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"Given the high cost of vaccinating all girls compared with the lesser cost and higher protective effect of universal male circumcision, the latter would appear to be a much better investment. It would also protect against all of the other conditions and diseases described herein - in both sexes."
Hell is eternal...
Female retired nurse here, I worked in L/D for years and seen circumcisions advance from no pain meds and screaming to very little discomfort. It mostly depends on the doctor taking time to use the pain meds properly. One female OB that I assisted turned out beautiful results without much discomfort. Her own sons are circumcised, so I know that she approves of the surgery. Most male operators do not take ample time to use the meds, so I would recommend females for this.
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